Your Store’s Interior Design Affects Consumers’ Buying Decision

May 28, 2019
cozy coffee shop design

Do you ever wonder why coffee shops have cozy and homey interiors? In fact, when a café diverts from the time-tested interior design that exudes a country-style-home level of comfort, many of its patrons decide to look for another place, preferably one where they feel comfortable in. Like the café business, practically all industries demand a workplace or an office space that has a great ambiance.

Because retail store owners now understand the need for their spaces to be Instagram-worthy, commercial interior design companies in Singapore are advocating the need for well-thought-out interior designs and strategies.

Importance of Branding

A company’s brand is what makes them unique and helps make them stand out from the competition. While there are many companies that sell computers and mobile phones, none enjoy the success that Apple does. To say that Apple has an effective branding strategy is an understatement. Apple’s brand is all about luxury and exclusivity. The company was never about affordable products (though they do offer some cheap products, too).

Everyone knows Apple’s design: clean, sleek, simple, minimalistic, and attractive. All these elements can also be seen in the way they design their retail stores. With an all-glass material and a simple Apple logo on the exterior of their New York’s headquarters, Apple has made a name for itself in the realm of pristine-looking retail stores. The interior space in every Apple store in the world is designed with the same brushed metal and pure white finishes that we have come to know and love on their computers.

Customer Comfort

group of friends taking a photo inside a coffee shopSocial media is not the only reason retail spaces, coffee shops, and many other businesses invest so much money in making sure their interior spaces look great. Businesses need to ensure that their customers are also comfortably browsing through the aisles of shoes and clothing. Comfort is of absolute importance for today’s consumers. When customers are relaxed, they are in a better mood and when they are in a good mood, they are more likely to buy products (whether the items fall under the category of need or want).

Employee Productivity

When designing your office workspace, you should not only think about how your customers will feel. Focus on how your employees will feel and how the spaces you provide will improve their productivity. Studies have shown that a more comfortable and relaxing office interior improves the creativity and productivity of workers. Keeping your employees relaxed and comfortable even amid a crisis at work will empower them to do their jobs better.

All elements of your brand should be considered part of the overall interior design of your retail store. This works in bringing cohesion to your brand and people will better recognize your business and what it offers. Your brand should not only exist on social media or on your website. It should be visible across all digital platforms and way beyond the realm of the Internet.

One way to find out if your interior design is effectively marketing your products to your customers is to take a walk around your store. Visualize what customers will feel while going to the different sections of your store. Ask friends and families to do the same and ask for feedback. You’ll learn where customers are drawn to and what they avoid. This information will help you build a design strategy that will be beneficial for you and your customers.

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