Senior Housing: What to Look for When Buying a Home for Seniors

October 13, 2021
seniors at home

As you get older, you’re likely thinking about living in a smaller home that’s easy to manage and take care of. During your senior years, you may find maintaining a big home and an expansive yard challenging. This is why many aging homeowners consult a reliable land surveyor to determine the right measurement for their property.

Downsizing is common among elderly parents. Owning a large family home is no longer practical now that the children are on their own. Those who have health concerns or mobility issues may not be able to live in a house with stairs, large spaces, or bedrooms located on a different floor. In this case, it’s important to consider your housing situation to ensure a quality and comfortable life as you age.

Deciding to buy a house for your aging loved ones can be a great idea if you consider the right factors and circumstances. This is because buying a house for seniors involves a variety of legal, financial, health, and personal considerations. With that in mind, here are some important factors to consider when buying a house for aging adults.

A quiet and safe neighborhood

Older adults prefer a place where they can fully relax and have peace of mind once they settle for retirement. In this case, a quiet and safe neighborhood is an ideal place to find your ideal home.

Neighborhoods near churches, schools, business districts, or busy streets are areas you need to avoid. While it’s nice to live in areas where you can easily access its surrounding amenities and business establishments, keep in mind that these places are common sources of noise. The last thing you want is to get woken up by speeding cars and the sound of crowds. Seniors need enough sleep, so make sure they live in a neighborhood where they can enjoy some quiet time.

Safety is also a consideration for a senior home. The neighborhood should be well-protected from any form of crime and violence. You have to make sure the area has access to a local police force in case of emergency.

Simple structure

As seniors age, they become more prone to a range of health issues, which can affect their ability to function normally. Aching joints, aging bones, and arthritis are pretty common as they age. For this reason, homes with staircases and rooms located far apart may not be ideal for senior homeowners.

Bungalows or single-story homes are ideal living spaces for seniors. These houses have simple room structures, making it easy to navigate the house and reach individual rooms.

Additionally, senior homes should eliminate trip hazards, especially in the bathroom or laundry area. Slippery surfaces are the main cause of slips and falls among seniors. Windows and doors that are easy to open or close are a bonus for seniors who have a weak grip.

garden pathway

Access to the garden

Because of health and mobility reasons, seniors have fewer reasons to go out. Since they have limited places to go, they often spend most of their time looking after the yard or garden. Gardening is a popular hobby among seniors as it offers rewarding benefits for their health and well-being.

Homes for seniors should at least have a small garden. A large yard can be challenging to maintain because of physical restraints. A sizable garden is a good area for seniors to exercise, walk around, or engage in gardening.

Proximity to family members and facilities

Buying a home for their retirement doesn’t mean they want to separate from their family. Seniors are more likely to suffer from loneliness and isolation, so you need to make sure that you can easily pay them a visit whenever they need extra company.

Seniors have different preferences in terms of house location. Some prefer to live near a beach, while others want to return to where they grew up. Whatever they choose, be sure the place isn’t too far away so you can easily visit them.

Proximity to medical facilities and essential establishments is also important. This should also be your top priority since seniors are no longer capable of traveling long distances to reach their doctors or quick grocery runs.

Buying a house as a senior is a challenging process as it involves weighing a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Every aging adult has unique requirements of what they want for their home. It is where they will spend the rest of their lives, so might as well get everything right from the start. Follow our suggestions above, and you’re well on your way to finding your aging parent’s dream home.

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