Renovating a Home for the Safety of Your Growing Child

July 29, 2022
mom and daughter baking

As your child grows, their safety becomes more and more of a priority. You may need to renovate your home to protect them from potential dangers better. You want to ensure your little one’s home is as safe as possible. Because your child is becoming more curious and mobile, it is essential to look closely at your home from their perspective.

The following are some tips for renovating your home for your growing child’s safety.

1. Rethink your home’s layout

If your home has stairs, you may want to consider moving your child’s bedroom to the first floor. You may also want to install gates at the top and bottom of staircases. This will help to prevent falls. According to the National Safety Council, falls are the leading cause of injury for children ages 0-14.

Another layout change to consider is creating an open floor plan. This will give you a better view of your child as they move around the house. It can also help to prevent accidents, like a child tripping and falling. Look for ways to make your home’s layout more child-safe.

2. Make electrical safety a priority

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, electrical outlets are one of the top five hazards in the home for children. When exploring their surroundings, children can easily stick their fingers or other objects into outlets. This can lead to electric shock or fires.

To help prevent these accidents, you can install child-proof covers on all of your home’s outlets. You should also ensure that cords are not dangling within reach of little hands. If you have loose cables, tie them up or tuck them away. If you are using extension cords, make sure they are not overloaded.

If you have any questions about electrical safety, you should consult with a licensed electrician. They can help ensure your home’s electrical system is safe for your family. Ask about child-safe electrical solutions when you are planning your home renovations.

3. Check your windows

Windows can be another hazard for curious children. They can easily fall out of an open window. Glass windows also risk cuts and bruises.

A woman opening the curtains and looking at the sun

To help prevent accidents, you should consider installing durable vinyl windows. These windows are impact-resistant and can help to avoid serious injuries. You should also ensure that all of your windows have locks that are out of reach for children. You can install window guards or stops to help keep windows closed and safe.

4. Keep poisonous substances out of reach

Cleaning products, medicines, and other poisonous substances should be kept in cabinets that are out of reach of children. You may want to install child-proof locks on these cabinets. You should also make sure that all poisonous substances are clearly labeled. Children can mistake some products for food or drinks.

In addition to keeping poisonous substances out of reach, you should also ensure that they are correctly stored. Many products should be kept in their original containers. This will help to prevent accidents. Others should be stored in child-safe containers. You can find these containers at most stores that sell cleaning products and other household items.

5. Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are a vital part of any home. But they are critical if you have children. These detectors can help to prevent fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. Many detectors now come with child-safe features, like tamper-resistant covers. You should install detectors in every room of your home.

You should also create and practice a fire escape plan. This plan should include two ways to exit every room in your home. You should practice the plan with your family at least twice a year. It would be best if you also had a designated meeting place outside of your home.

6. Be aware of bathroom and kitchen hazards

Bathrooms are full of potential hazards for children. Toilets, toilet seats, and bathtubs can be dangerous for small children. They can easily drowse or slip and hurt themselves.

You can make your bathroom more child-safe by installing grab bars near the toilet and in the tub or shower. You should also install non-slip mats in the tub and shower.

Your kitchen can also be full of hazards. Sharp knives, hot stoves, and cleaning products can all risk children. These hazards can be even more dangerous if you have small children crawling or walking. Keep children out of the kitchen using child-proof door locks and cabinets.

By following these safety tips, you can help to make your home more child-friendly. Renovating your home can be a big project. But it is worth it when you know that your family is safe. You can create a safe and happy home for your family with a bit of planning.

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