Why Insulating Can Make Your House Green

December 30, 2019
intalling insulation

Every structure has insulation. It’s a must to regulate temperatures and fortify the structure’s integrity. But installing insulation isn’t as easy as heading to your local hardware store.

You need to weigh how each type of insulation compares to others. More importantly, since insulation can have environmental effects, choosing the right insulation can even make your energy usage more efficient.

A poorly insulated structure will cost you more money and problems down the line as unwanted heat and cold escape and enter. When choosing the insulation that’s right for you, don’t hesitate to ask a professional so they can give their assessment of what you need. You can also check websites like insulatekansascity.com to know more about it. These can be helpful when confronted with the confusing task of deciding among the most common insulation types.

Spray Foam

In Kansas City and other parts of the country where temperatures can fluctuate, spray foam insulation is standard. The foam is sprayed or even poured into wall cavities. This option is flexible, making it ideal for even smaller crevices or odd angles. While it initially comes out as a foam, it will solidify as it cures.

Blanket Insulation

This type is a common choice with a high environmental rating. Blanket insulation comes in rolls made from recycled bottles. It is easy to install and highly cost-efficient. Blanket insulation can also come in a variety of thicknesses. That makes it easy to choose which width to apply in which area of the home. In places like Arizona, the heat can be alarmingly high. Thicker blanket insulation is ideal to stop outdoor heat from entering the house.

Loose-fill Insulation

Loose-fill Insulation

This kind is another popular choice for insulation. It is made from small particles that come from cellulose, mineral rock wool, and fiberglass. Because of its loose materials, it can be used to add insulation without obstructing or moving existing structures. It can be a little messy, though, so professionals often use a pipe to apply them.

Rigid Foam Insulation

It is a newer type of insulation. It’s ideal for areas like the roof or loft that need added support. Because it is highly durable, rigid foam insulation can also help minimize acoustic noises. Some recording studios even use rigid foam insulation as soundproofing.

When choosing insulation, know that different areas need different kinds of insulation. For older homes, for example, insulation helps keep heat from escaping downwards. It also fills in any gaps from the trend of “suspended floors,” which is common in older homes.

As most heat escapes from the roof, it is essential to install insulation that has the appropriate thickness. For this, matting insulation, loose-fill insulation, and blown-in insulation are ideal for filling in any gaps. They will also serve the purpose of helping regulate excess heat during warmer months.

Insulation doesn’t only help with temperatures but also with noise pollution reduction. When deciding to insulate, know that you can also mix and match various types. Some types of insulation might work better for walls, others for the roof. Either way, a well-insulated home or structure makes a huge difference in comfort and cost-efficiency.

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