The 10 Commandments of Kitchen Remodeling

May 31, 2020

Okay, so you’re thinking of having some work done on your kitchen. Before you start with the project, you need to know how to properly go about things so you don’t end up with a disaster. Here are some basic dos and don’ts you need to keep in mind:

The 10 Kitchen Remodeling Commandments

1. You will do your proper research at all costs.

Before getting together with an architect or contractor, do your research about how you want your kitchen to look like and what features you want to include in your design. From layout and finish to appliances and upholstery, identify what you want and present them to your designer.

2. You will consider the space’s purpose and role.

Know what your kitchen is for. More than just prepping meals, it has now become the epicenter of most American homes so you need to consider what secondary activities take place in it and how it can accommodate its users.

3. You will consider all the technical aspects of the design.

Do not, at any time, compromise on the technical aspect of your work. Visualize where everything should go. Electrical, plumbing, ventilation, and placement of fixtures and storage compartments. Go over all the details and make sure you don’t miss a thing.

4. Honor the environment and do not add anything to your design that will violate nor degrade it.

Think green when it comes to designing. From water heater installation to waste management, consider your choices’ environmental ramifications at all times.

5. You will not design just for one person.

When remodeling a kitchen, you need to consider all who will use the area, not just the primary user — in this case, the one who preps the meals.

For instance, if you have a household with five members — two adults, a middle-schooler, and two younger kids — you need to consider their activities and behavior inside the area.

The kitchen is now the center of activity in the American home and more often than not, this is where most of the people in the house will hang out.

6. You will not insist on having a triangle.

In the ‘50s, the refrigerator-sink-range triangle was developed to sell cabinets. While the design seems logical, it applied to most residential kitchen layouts of the time. With the evolution of kitchen design, the triangle is no longer applicable to all types of layout.

While Architectural Digest says that the triangle layout is still the best kitchen design approach, larger kitchens today work best with workings stations rather than a triangle.

7. You will provide ample lighting and ventilation.

In line with going green, make sure your space has enough opening to let natural light and ventilation in. Doing this means your design is eco-friendly and at the same time, it also is cost-efficient.

8. You will provide enough storage space.

Storage space is important in any kitchen. Aside from the typical kitchen cabinets and drawers, if space allows, it is better to include a walk-in pantry so you have a concealed storage space for the unsightly things you don’t want to put on your glass cabinets and open shelves.

family cooking together9. You will consult with the right professionals and, if necessary, work with them.

Do not attempt to do everything all by yourself, especially if your knowledge about design and construction is limited. Whether it’s dishwasher installation, water heater installation, or electrical work, always make sure you consult and work with the right professional to guarantee quality and safety.

10. You will not go beyond your budget nor your neighborhood’s market value range.

Always monitor how much you’re spending on your kitchen project. While there’s nothing wrong in wanting to build the best kitchen in your neighborhood, resist the temptation to go overboard which could make your home’s value exceed that of your neighborhood’s market value range.

If you plan to sell your home eventually and it’s overpriced because of your renovations, you might have a hard time finding the right buyer that’s willing to meet your demand.

The bottom line is, when you work on a kitchen renovation project, you need to consider a lot of things because, at the very least, you want your kitchen to be awesome and to last a long time.