Successful Contractors Go the Extra Mile

December 9, 2019
Contractor showing plan to couple

Certain practices separate professional contractors and run-of-the-mill two-bit operations. Give your contracting business a boost by adopting professional methods that will keep your clients happy.

1. Present a Proper Project/Construction Plan

Provide estimates and a breakdown of the costs of the project as well as what the project entails — both modification/ repair and construction. Give your client a timetable and do your utmost to stick to it. If there are unforeseen changes or problems encountered during the repairs or construction, inform your client immediately, explain the situation, and update your project plan and timetable. Once done, provide your client with a lien waiver that ensures that they will not be billed further by your company or sub-contractors that worked on the project.

2. Be Meticulous on Paperwork

Keep your licenses and those of your workers updated and keep close tabs on local building code requirements and permitting process. Write up contracts for your clients, which include detailed payment schedules. Never ask for full payment. Instead, link payments to specific dates or project milestones. Take care of building permits to make sure the project gets done observing local codes. Guarantee your work with a written warranty, but make sure to indicate what it covers and what it doesn’t. Provide your clients with a two-year warranty on your builds. This will reassure them of your confidence and guarantee the quality of your work.

3. Get Insurance

Assure your clients that you have surety bonds in case the project somehow turns south. The cladding controversy that recently hit the construction industry has potential clients on edge and fearing for their investments. Performance and surety bonds endeavor — both yours and your client’s — monetarily safer. Aside from surety bonds, make sure your workers have sufficient insurance coverage. While most clients care very little about how you run your operations, there are a few who would insist on knowing about the welfare of your workers.

4. Provide Safety for your Workers and the Work Site

On-site safety should always be your priority. Have your workers geared up in protective work gear and keenly observe the necessary safety practices. The security of your workers is paramount, but next to that is the safety of your clients’ properties. Use onsite protection supplies like bubble and pallet wraps to protect existing structures and make clean up easier. Messy worksites don’t reflect well on your company and could cost you a referral or two.

5. Encourage On-site Inspections

Contractor measuring wood

Welcome and even encourage your clients to visit the worksite. Guide them through the process or have one of the supervisors do it for you. On-site visits make the client feel like they are part of the process and reassures them that your operation is running smoothly. Of course, on-site inspections should preclude modifications that the client wishes for, especially after plans have already been decided, and construction is underway.

Satisfied clients provide the best advertising and referrals. Maintain professional practices in your contracting business and make sure to keep your clients happy.

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