Living Large: Make More Space in Your Small Residential Home

September 15, 2021
empty room

The past year revealed how important home space is. Some struggled to try to fit everything inside. Others were troubled about how they could continue their daily routines while sharing space with other family members. Now that the COVID-19 is projected to stay for the long haul, many are investing in home renovations and improvements that’ll help maximize their home space. If you’re thinking of doing the same, consider these smart tiny house hacks.

How to Make More Space in Your Small Residential Home

1. Go for multipurpose furniture

Your home appliances and furniture items are often the culprits of indoor mess. Aside from the extra chore they bring, these items also tend to take up much space. The average size of a sofa alone is over 80 inches wide. Most dining tables, on the other hand, have a width of up to 40 inches. All in all, these home items can hinder your movements at home.

To ditch the extra hassle and save space, consider going for multipurpose furniture pieces. A bed with hidden storage compartments, for instance, can save you enough space at home. A foldable coffee table that can expand and transform into a dining table when needed is also a good bet. Other possible choices include cabinets with built-in foldable desks and convertible chair beds.

If you’re currently at a work-from-home setup, or you have a student partaking in remote learning, consider a loft bed with a shelf and computer area underneath. A bookshelf that doubles as a room divider is also a good item to add to your checklist.

2. Replace doors with sliding walls

If you want to set up zones in your house and maintain room privacy, consider getting sliding walls instead of doors. They are space-efficient. Instead of swinging open like traditional doors, sliding walls simply slide into the sides when you open them. Some even slide into wall compartments, saving even bigger space.

With most activities now done indoors, you’ll need flexible dividers that can give you privacy when you need it and provide uninterrupted, wider space when necessary. Such promises are possible with sliding walls.

Sliding walls also offer a seamless flow from one room to another.  Unlike traditional doors, they provide wider openings. Likewise, they are favorable options for moving items from one point to another.

3. Maximize your yard

Smart spacing isn’t all about the indoors. Your garden and backyard also deserve your attention. Instead of stacking everything inside, consider maximizing your outdoors. This will keep out the unnecessary traffic inside. At the same time, an outdoor living space can help you unwind and escape the boredom of the indoors.

yard view

A garden storage shed can provide you with additional leisure space. Even outdoor kitchens are now on the rise. You may also add benches or foldable chairs to your patio to create the perfect reading and resting area for you and your family.

4. Provide every room with a ceiling storage

When life gets rough, look up. And this tip applies literally, especially when you’re running out of storage areas at home. Your kitchen, bedroom, and living room can benefit greatly if you maximize their ceilings for storage purposes.

Creating floating shelves above eye level is a clever way to save space. Since they come without legs, they don’t take up floor space at all. They are also not disruptive of wall designs.

They are perfect for storing things that you rarely use or for storing books for a classic library feel. You can also take advantage of ceiling shelves to display your collection items above anyone’s reach if you’re a collector. This way, you can take full pride in your collection without the risk of leaving them open for excessive touching by kids and guests.

5. Reinvent your attic and basement

Attics and basements are often overlooked, but they do deserve attention. Now that you and your family are expected to stay at home, you can make use of these areas as additional rooms.

You can transform the attic into the perfect workstation or in-home library. A garage is also an ideal place for workouts or weekend board games and movie marathons. If you need more storage, these areas can also serve as additional stock rooms. You can move some of your big appliances there and leave your main house with minimal furniture items.

The Bottom Line

Live big under a tiny house. With the pandemic still far from over, you and your loved ones are expected to spend more time at home. Consider these top home hacks that’ll help you make the most out of your residential space.

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