Sound Check: How Music Can Impact the Human Brain

December 17, 2019

Life is incomplete without sound. For one thing, music keeps us from getting bored with the monotony of life. It also enables us to express and release our emotions. Music is a universal language. Some people tend to get emotional when they hear a song even if it’s in a different language.

People have different ways of relaxing. Some go to a spa, visit a massage center, or order massage chairs to calm their minds and relieve all sorts of body pain. But for others, listening to the music they like is already some therapy for them.

The effects of music on the brain

Our brain is composed of different parts, each of which has its assigned function. Nonetheless, music can significantly affect each part of the brain. For example, the frontal lobe part of the brain is responsible for critical thinking. Incorporating music into our lives can enhance our brain’s overall function, thus improving our decision-making skills.

The brain’s Broca’s area is responsible for our ability to produce speech and interpret music. People who know how to play an instrument are said to have an active and well-functioning Broca’s area. In effect, musically inclined people are also said to be better communicators.

Meanwhile, the Wernicke’s area of our brain enables us to understand spoken and written words. At the same time, it allows us to comprehend and enjoy the music we listen to.

On the other hand, the cerebellum plays a vital role in the so-called “physical memory.” There were a lot of cases wherein patients with Alzheimer’s disease were still able to play an instrument or sing a familiar song, even if they did not recognize their loved ones.

The nucleus accumbens has a significant role in triggering pleasure through the release of dopamine. For some people, music can be addicting in a good way, and that part of the brain most likely has something to do with that satisfying feeling. In other words, music has a significant impact on our brain function and our overall performance.

girl listening to music

Other significant benefits of music

Aside from providing entertainment, listening to your favorite music can contribute to your health and wellness. It can even help you manage pain. Here are the significant benefits of listening to music:

  • Listening to good music can help you be more productive at work. Experts recommend playing instrumentals and classical tracks when working on a specific task.
  • Sound-tripping can be like a good massage – relaxing and stress-reducing.
  • It can even help you lose weight. Playing slow music in a low-lit restaurant is said to slow down and lessen food consumption by almost 20 percent. On the other hand, playing upbeat music can energize you while working out.
  • Music also helps in improving memory and sleep. Tune in to classical music to experience its benefits.

Listening to music is more than to lessen the boredom. It can also improve your overall well-being and disposition in life. So turn up the volume and start the day with some good sound-trippin’!

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