Summer Safety: Safeguarding Your Home

September 9, 2021
summer backyard party

Summer is just around the corner. The fun thing about it is there is always something fresh and exciting going on -whether it’s vacations, travels to visit relatives, or cookouts with friends. We all want to maintain a healthy lifestyle over the summer, which implies that safety is essential.

The good news is that sun and heat-related illnesses are preventable with a few basic summer precautions. During the summer, it is critical to keep safety in mind at all times. So, you can do these home protection guidelines to keep them safe.

Home Safety 101

There are many ways to facilitate safety around the house. These are applicable while doing your summer activities or when you go on a vacation.

Yard Safety

Spending time outside is one of the greatest parts of summer. Many of us prefer to stay at home with large yards where our children can run and play. Many home injuries can happen near playgrounds, so ensuring that these areas are safe is best. If possible, you can add shock-absorbing materials on the surface.

Water Safety

Water safety is also quite essential for many homes that have a swimming area. Traditionally, people use chemicals to lower the pH and alkalinity levels of water. But these are corrosive substances that can pose potential health risks, especially without an expert’s supervision. Luckily, you can now use muriatic acid alternatives for pools. These are from organic sources that can ease your worries.

Food Preparation Safety

The grill is another excellent summer activity that you should use responsibly and with precaution. For many of us, grilling steaks has been a long-awaited ritual after the chilly spring months of the year. On the other hand, careless grilling can result in serious injuries, home fires, and even explosions. So, ensure that your grill’s hoses are free of leaks, obstructions, and holes before use.

Heat Safety

Heatstroke is a major cause of fatality throughout summer. In as fast as ten minutes, a room could reach a temperature of 19 degrees. This situation can escalate much faster, even on hot summer days. So, make sure to avoid closed spaces, especially cars. Teach children that cars and other closed spaces are not safe areas for them to play. You should also show older children how to find and use the emergency trunk release if they get trapped.

Vacation Safety

Some families prefer to come and go throughout summer. There are differing views on whether to leave blinds and curtains open or closed, especially if you will be gone for a lengthy amount of time. But all agree that it is best to hide all valuable goods, such as gadgets and jewelry.

Your spare keys are often the first item a thief will look for while planning a robbery. They will check the usual places where people leave their spare. The best step to take is to remove the spare key from your home until you return or leave it with a neighbor.

Safety Training for Children

As parents, keeping an eye on your children might not always be possible. So, teaching them these safety guidelines will help keep them safe even when you’re not around.

Emergency Contact List

Regardless of their age, all children need to know how to use a phone and ask for help. Training them how to behave in an emergency can help your kid be more open regarding safety precautions. More so, it’s a good idea to keep a list of emergency contacts for younger children.

Security System

If your house has a security system, your children must learn how to operate it. In addition, they need to know where the emergency buttons are and how to use them. Remind them that they must keep this information a secret at all times.

Kids should be aware that arming and deactivating the alarm is only for family use and that they should never share it with strangers.

Fall Protection

To many of us, furniture is not a threat. However, if a child climbs on an unstable bookshelf or television that isn’t well-fastened to a wall, it might lead to catastrophic injuries. Parents should be firm in their rules and make sure that every piece of furniture in the house is off-limits to children.

Healthy Habits

The hot and humid temperatures increase the risk and likelihood of dehydration. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water. Teach them the visible signs of dehydration and call for help immediately if they encounter any of them.

Additionally, everyone must shield themselves from the sun’s harmful rays. Many skin concerns show up, especially when under the sun’s scorching heat.

Wrapping Up

Summer is a wonderful season. By taking a few precautions and using good judgment, we can all enjoy the rewards of our effort and relax throughout the days.

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