Clever Designs to Be More Productive in Your Home Office

July 30, 2021
woman working from home

Now that you’ve seen and experienced the benefits of working from home, it’s high time you create a permanent home office wherein you can work in peace. There’s no doubt that working from your bed is incredibly comfortable and cozy.

But accomplishing tasks in the same area where you sleep can make you lazy and demotivated to work. Instead, you can bolster your productivity by building a home office that works for you.

Function over Design

It’s nice to have an office space with beautiful furniture, but you need to choose function over design if you have plenty of documents and devices. For instance, a desk without drawers might look chic and sophisticated, but if you pile your trinkets on top of it, it will look messy. You can compromise by getting a desk with drawers but still manage to exude the style you want.

Set the Mood Through Colors

Some people work better in dimly-lit areas, while others are more productive in bright spaces. Colors affect the way you work, and though you feel comfortable working in dim lighting, you still have to give yourself the option of instantly changing the scenery. You can have a large window or install different light fixtures. If so, you can immediately work in the environment you prefer, especially whenever you feel like working in a bright area.

Choose the Best Location

Once you get yourself in the zone, you’re pretty much ready to work. But if you’re easily distracted, choosing the best location for your home office is a choice you have to make meticulously. If you don’t mind tiny spaces, you can build your office tucked away in a nook where there’s less foot traffic.

But if you are prone to distractions, you can take your office entirely out of your house and build one in your backyard. For instance, having luxury garden room interiors detached or attached to your home will let you work in a refreshing natural setting.

Get a Comfy and Ergonomic Chair

Since you’ll be spending most of your time in your home office, it only fits that you invest in a comfortable chair. Padded ones with high backs and armrests are the best. But you can give yourself more by getting a chair with wheels and even has a reclining function.

man working next to a window

Set up Where You Have a Window View

Even though you’re already comfortable in your chosen office, days when you can’t muster enough motivation to accomplish tasks will still come. As a remedy, you can give yourself a quick rest by letting your eyes take a breather to a soothing scene. Looking at your computer screen for hours upon hours can cause eye strain. By installing your desk right by the window, you give yourself the chance to focus on something else other than an electronic display.

Efficiently Utilize Space

Files, documents, and devices will only keep accumulating once you have set up your home office. That means you have to plan and install clever organizers to accommodate your future storage needs. Floating open shelves are a great idea, especially if you want to spot the things you need right away. But you can also customize shelves and cabinets so that you can use every nook and cranny in your office.

Keep Your Devices Organized

Charging cables, printer cords, and wires are an inevitable part of an office. It’s indeed hard to keep them organized since these are things you frequently use. Through creative cable organizing hacks, like putting your stationary equipment close to power outlets or using cable ties or Velcro cords, you can create a neat and clutter-free home office.

Have an Area for Visitors

If your profession requires you to meet clients regularly, it’s better to have them in your home office. It’s where you have easy access to your files and equipment. When you’re receiving guests, you need to have an area where they can be comfortable, and you can discuss topics freely. You can have seats installed by your desk or have a sofa and a coffee table to serve them snacks and beverages during meetings.

Motivate Yourself Using Decor

A comfortable home office is both a boon and a bane. On some days, you feel motivated enough to accomplish your tasks immediately and even go over your quota. But on other days, you can’t get work done because you’re too comfortable and cozy. As a countermeasure, you can decorate your home office with inspiring messages in frames and put up family pictures that will help encourage you to be more productive.

Remote work is here to stay, and just like other things, it comes with advantages and disadvantages. Even with the benefits and drawbacks, as long as you exert the effort to make the most out of your flexible work situation, you can be productive and boost your professional career at home.

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