Myths About Mold Exposed

January 17, 2019

People rarely think about mold until it affects their health, business premise, or home. The name, let alone the sight of mold on your wall, can make you flinch. Fortunately, there are several ways to handle a mold infestation, and mold removal experts can help you end the nightmare.

Mold spores are found everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. Given the optimum conditions of temperature and food sources, mold infestation can be a huge problem. Unfortunately, the myths surrounding mold removal make it hard for homeowners to deal with the issue as they should. Here are the common misconceptions:

Mold is harmless

Although it is not possible to get rid of mold entirely, if you allow it to grow unchecked, it is likely to cause significant health problems. The health effects of mold are unclear, and they vary from one individual to another. The effects of mold on the property are adverse and should be monitored.

Black mold is the worst

All types of mold, regardless of the color, have the potential of affecting your health. Mold produces mycotoxins in the presence of competing bacteria and nutrients. Unfortunately, the mycotoxins are not alive, so they cannot be killed. The best remedy is to clean up the mold growth and stop the source of moisture. Therefore, all kinds of mold are harmful and should be eradicated immediately.

Bleach and strong detergents can kill mold on all surfaces

Mold in the wall

Most retail products like detergents only discolor the mold rather than destroy it. It is also not advisable to use retail products on porous surfaces, like drywall, ceiling tiles, carpets, and wood. Regular cleaning products rarely reach the roots of the mold, implying that the issue is likely to return. Experts understand that the only way of getting rid of the mold entirely is removing it using recommended products.

Dead mold is not dangerous

Mold can be dormant but will grow again when the conditions are favorable. Mold releases spores before it dies, which are hazardous to your health, especially if you do not address the underlying issues. If you feel like you are susceptible to a harmful mold situation, trained experts can help you recognize the problem and make sure that the right treatment is applied on the affected surfaces.

Killing mold is sufficient; there is no need to remove it

Mold control should not stop at killing it because it does not eliminate the detrimental health effects of the allergens present even in dead mold. If you want to be safe from the effects, removing the affected parts is vital. Take care when doing so to prevent the allergens from spreading throughout the house. Professionals can do the task well since they are trained in mold removal.

Mold is never about lousy housekeeping or dirt; it is usually about excess moisture. Too much humidity in the air can encourage mold growth. Mold removal is not a DIY job because one should first understand its type and origin. Consider consulting a certified inspector.

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