Moving from East to West Coast? Here’s What You Need to Know

March 19, 2019
Hollywood boulevard street sign

The United States’ East Coast and West Coast have entirely different ways of living. When moving from one to the other, the move will entail more than your typical relocation process. A detailed approach is crucial in this situation.

Whether you’re moving from Boston to Los Angeles, New York to San Francisco, or any East Coast city to a new West Coast location, preparing well in advance is essential. Here are some things you should know about.

Do It Yourself (DIY) Moves Are Out of the Question

Making the move on your own (or with the help of a few friends) is okay if you and your family are moving a short distance, such as from New York to New Jersey. When relocating from coast to coast, however, a DIY move is almost impossible. Even if you manage to pull it off by driving a U-Haul truck across the country, doing so would be time-consuming and expensive.

Instead, hire one of the reliable long-distance moving and storage companies in your area. Having the experience and expertise for long-haul moves, they can lessen the hassle of cross-country relocation for you and make your move as smooth as possible.

West Coast Weather is Great

If you’re planning to relocate to Southern California, you’ll find that the place is sunny most of the year. Summers, however, do get hot, so make sure you have air conditioning in your new home. Winters range from warm to cold. Temperatures rarely dip below freezing, though.

Northern California has a Mediterranean-like climate and mild weather year-round. While summer here is warm, it rarely gets unusually hot.

Coastal Oregon features a mild climate with rain and occasional snow in the winter (most of the snow falls in the Cascade Mountain Range). On the other hand, coastal Washington experiences fairly dry summers and frequent rain, mostly during the spring, autumn, and winter. You’ll also see frozen lakes and snow during the colder times of the year.

Tech Jobs Await You

young employees in the officeWashington, Oregon, and California are excellent places for professionals belonging to the tech industry. You’ll find Silicon Valley in the southern region of the San Francisco Bay Area. If you’re relocating to Oregon, there is a cluster of companies in Portland called the Silicon Forest. If you’re going to Washington, you’ll find IT companies in Seattle, as well. You can also work in Redmond, the home of Microsoft.

Be Ready to Drive More

As opposed to the East Coast, which is more geographically hospitable to travelers and locals, states on the West Coast are larger and more spread out. Some areas don’t have subways, light rail trains, or other forms of public transport, so you need to take your car to work, school, or anywhere most of the time. Cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco are famous for their love of cars — and their end-to-end traffic jams.

These are just a few things you need to know when relocating to the West Coast. If you’re moving to a place in Washington, Oregon, or California, look up the website of your preferred city. Many sites have a wealth of information about things like local programs, parks, libraries, and schools.

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