Making Sure Your Home is Safe for Your Toddlers

August 18, 2021
mother and daughter

Kids between ages 1 to 3 are just curious, fearless, and thrill-seekers. They essentially know no bounds. That is why it is not surprising why a lot of toddlers are at risk for accidental injuries. Children at this age do need a lot of supervision coming from parents, caregivers, and also child care providers.

While our homes should be the safest place a child could be, a lot of hazards are lurking. According to statistics, around 10.4 million children are sent to the emergency room each year due to home-related accidents.

Among the major home accidents that commonly occur are poisoning, falling, and being struck by heavy objects.

The scariest thing about these home accidents that could happen is that sometimes it leads to death. That said, parents must make sure their homes are properly child-proofed.

Here are some helpful tips parents should consider in making sure their small kids are safe at home:

How To Make Sure Your Home Is Toddler Proofed


1. Baby’s Crib

A lot of us never really thought about it but even where your baby sleeps could be a potential danger. Based on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, around 36 deaths occur every year because of cribs and crib mattresses.

For instance, small children could suffer from a heavy fall from their cribs, or some could get suffocated because of their mattress.

To avoid any crib-related accident or injury, it is highly advised that parents consider using appropriate crib-rail heights. Apart from that, ensure that the pillows, stuffed animals, and even blankets are kept at a minimum in your child’s crib.

2. Bathroom Access

Another prime area where home-related injuries and accidents commonly happen is in the bathroom. Toddlers love to explore places and the bathroom is one of these places where they should be supervised by an adult.

Apart from the cold, slippery tile floor and fixtures that could hurt your baby when he/she bumps into it, there are a lot of hazardous products, chemicals, and medicines lying around. If your child ingests any of those aforementioned substances, it could harm them. In some cases, the effects could be extreme.

Another reason not to let small kids roam around the bathroom alone is because of the water heater setting. Since toddlers are pretty much curious about their surroundings, they are likely to tinker with knobs and play with them. It happens a lot that small kids get scalded by hot water.

That said, makes sure that bathroom doors are closed at all times to prevent any accident or injury from happening.


3. Kitchen Access

The kitchen is another prime area that should be a no-no for your toddler.

Small kids naturally gravitate towards the room where they see a lot of grown-ups going. Thus, it is highly advised to keep a close eye on your toddler when he/she is starting to walk towards the kitchen.

These are some of the safety things you can do to prevent any accidents or injuries from happening:

  • When cooking, consider using the back burners of your gas stove. Pot handles should be turned away so the kids cannot reach them with their hands.
  • Invest in a child-proof stove knob cover to prevent your tiny angel from turning on the gas burners.
  • Make sure that the fork scissors, knives, and other sharp objects and appliances in the kitchen are stored away in drawers and cupboards.
  • Never leave any cords hanging. Make sure to unplug kitchen appliances when not in use.

4. Floors and Stairways

Toddlers run around the house a lot. With that in mind, it is extremely important for their safety that floors are kept clean and clutter-free.

Make sure that small objects that could easily fit in their mouth are stored away. The pathway should be cleared off of any debris, wires, or chords. Electrical sockets should be covered as well. And since toddlers play on the floor so much, make sure that your household follows a no-shoes policy.

If you live in a two-story house, or if it is simply a bungalow-type with an elevation, installing stair barricades is crucial. Toddlers should not be left on their own accessing their stairs. Both the top and bottom of the staircase should have a barricade installed.

5. Heavy Objects and Doors

One of the major fears of parents is when their little angels wander off outside the house or get inside the home garage without their knowledge. You could think of a lot of dreadful potential hazards awaiting them.

Thus, these are some of the things you could do to prevent your toddlers from either going outside the house without your knowledge or accessing the garage without supervision:

  • Install a deadbolt or security door chain in your front door.
  • Invest in a high-quality garage door opener to prevent your little one from accidentally ending in your garage.
  • Investing in a home security alarm system where you are immediately notified if your child can pry open a door.

There is no such thing as overpreparation if you want to make sure your toddler is in a safe environment.

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