Lessen the Heating Costs in Your Home

February 28, 2019

Temperatures reduce drastically every year and the demand for more efficient heating rises. As you strive to keep the home cozy during the difficult months, heating bills can go up. Furthermore, the strained performance of heating systems can harm the environment because of the accompanying carbon footprint. You can take control of the situation using systematic steps that help save money through reduced heating costs. Here are some tips for you.

Prepare the Home for Winter

We can anticipate many things in life, but the arrival of winter is something everyone should be extra ready for. The regularity of the cold season is an indication that you need to be prepared every year. This means paying close attention to the state of your Ontario home’s heating and air conditioning system. Make sure to perform the necessary maintenance and repair before winter comes.

Perform a Home Energy Audit

If you have any doubts about your home’s preparedness for the incoming season, it’s best to consult with an energy auditor. It is one of the best ways to identify the existing spots and gaps in the building envelope. Only after this step can you determine the next step of action.

Compare Oil Providers and Insist on Better Pricing

Just because you enjoyed the cheapest rates last season, it is not guaranteed you will get similarly enticing offers from the provider this time around. Oil prices can vary , so you want to call as many dealers as possible. A simple web search can help you start this process. However, do not just dump the current dealer; you can give them an opportunity to better the price. Other than that, it is okay to snag the provider for discounts. If they have anything, check the qualifications and apply. Common special offers are given for senior citizens and large tanks.

Fix Drafts and Air Leaks

air draft

Sometimes, the solution to high oil costs for heating and air conditioning is in the simplest, most basic fixes. Kitchen vents, fireplace dampers, and AC vents should remain shut when not in use. Insulation should be checked for soundness in exterior walls, basement, and attic. A lot of heat loss will be curtailed through this method.

Maintain the HVAC Syste

System maintenance is also efficient and straightforward, but many homeowners are unable to follow it completely. Efficiency and reliability are what makes maintenance of any engineering system so important. The boiler and furnace normally demand annual maintenance, but tune-ups are essential before winter arrives.

Set Thermostat Correctly

Lowering the thermostat setting by a couple of degrees when not at home or when sleeping can reduce the heating bill by up to 3%. If you want to enjoy these savings in this manner and still use the conventional manual thermostat, you need to make a small change. Get a programmable thermostat so you can schedule it for automatic implementation of your heating plans.

While these steps usually work, there are instances when you need a new and more energy-efficient equipment. You may need to replace your 20-year old equipment with a modern boiler or furnace. The good thing is that the system will recoup the initial costs within a few years and you will be set to enjoy up to 25% savings and contribution for a cleaner planet.

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