Is It Time to have My Concrete Driveway Repaired?

March 4, 2019
concrete being brushed evenly

Although concrete is known for its longevity and durability, it’s not 100% resistant to wear and tear. Your concrete driveway will experience a significant amount of wear and tear during its entire service life. Over time, your driveway will require repairs to keep it functional and prolong its lifespan. Failing to address even minor damages could lead to more costly repairs or a complete overhaul. With this in mind, below are telltale signs to watch out for that indicates your driveway requires repair ASAP.

Significant Deterioration in Appearance

While cracks are the most telltale sign that you need to have your concrete driveway repaired, you must also pay attention to more understated signs of deterioration as well, advises a well-known concrete repair contractor in Salt Lake City. For instance, if your driveway has significant fading, this means that the sealant is nearing its end of life due to years of direct exposure to UV damage. If this is the case, call a professional contractor to get your driveway checked out.

You See Significant Cracks or Holes in your Concrete Driveway

Seeing holes or huge cracks in your driveway is a major issue that requires prompt inspection and repair as soon as possible. Your driveway bears significant stress daily, so it’s normal that it will cave to this constant pressure eventually. Tiny cracks and holes are especially vulnerable to this pressure. Likewise, as water pools in these weakened spots, they will widen further, causing unevenness and further damage to your driveway. So the minute you spot even hairline cracks and tiny holes on your concrete driveway, have them repaired immediately to avoid more extensive and expensive repairs later on.

concrete foundation

Your Concrete Driveway has Drainage Issues

When you got your concrete driveway installed, the contractors made sure (or should have made certain) that it would work to redirect water or drain it efficiently. Generally speaking, water must flow into channels on the side of your driveway, so its kept away from the surface of your driveway and the foundation of your house. Over time, however, your driveway might not be able to perform proper draining, particularly if it ends up tilting due to environmental changes, which leads to a decrease in its incline. One of the most obvious signs of drainage issues is puddles on your driveway whenever your driveway gets wet due to rainwater or when washing your vehicle. You need to address this as soon as possible as standing water can progressively weaken your driveway’s surface and allow water to seep into its sublayer, resulting in permanent damage.

The minute you notice any of these warning signs, call in a professional concrete contractor to get your driveway professionally inspected. That said, it’s also important to keep in mind that the average service life of concrete driveways is 20 to 25 years. If you live in a place that experiences intensely hot and cold weather, your driveway can deteriorate much faster. So if you have an older concrete driveway, it’s best that you have it inspected regularly even if it’s not showing distinct signs of repairs just to be on the safe side.

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