Improving Your Home: What Projects to Pursue

June 1, 2023
home improvement project
  • Home improvement projects can add an average of $38,000 to a home’s value and increase buyer satisfaction.
  • Room remodelings, such as in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, or bedroom, can help improve its appearance while increasing energy efficiency.
  • Curb appeal improvements like painting siding or updating outdoor lighting fixtures add beauty and security to any property.
  • Installing smart home technology devices such as automated thermostats and speakers helps save energy and provide a more enjoyable living environment.

Improving one’s home can have numerous advantages, from boosting its resale value to increasing the overall comfort of a household. Indeed, according to a report by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), remodeling projects in 2020 will add an average of $38,000 to a home’s value. Furthermore, 94% of buyers who purchased homes that had been remodeled said that they were satisfied with the changes made.

Home improvement projects also benefit those looking to increase their property’s energy efficiency. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), home improvements such as extra insulation or the addition of storm windows can reduce utility bills by as much as 15%. Additionally, minor upgrades like updating lighting fixtures and replacing old appliances with more efficient models can save homeowners up to 30% on their monthly energy costs.

However, you might not know where to start when it comes to improving your home. Here are some of the most common projects that homeowners pursue:

Room Remodeling

Remodeling the kitchen

Room remodeling is a great way to improve your home’s appearance, functionality, and value. It can provide you with an entirely new look and feel to any room in your home. Furthermore, room remodeling can also help increase your house’s energy efficiency by allowing for proper insulation and airflow.

The best rooms to remodel to reap these benefits are the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. Below is a breakdown of why each of these rooms should be considered:


The kitchen is one of the most popular spaces to remodel as it is often the center of activity within the home. Upgrading fixtures such as cabinets or countertops can create a much more modern and inviting look. Additionally, appliances like refrigerators and stoves can be replaced with newer and more energy-efficient models—something that will save on utility bills and increase the resale value of your home.


Remodeling a bathroom can add a new look while improving its functionality. Replacing old fixtures, such as faucets or shower heads, with newer ones adds a touch of luxury. In contrast, updating tiles or adding extra insulation helps to reduce energy costs over time. Newer toilet models are also better at conserving water, which makes them an environmentally friendly choice for homeowners looking to save money on their water bills.

Living Room

Remodeling a living space has numerous advantages besides providing a brand-new look. For instance, updating furniture pieces such as sofas or chairs can make for more comfortable seating arrangements that fit your lifestyle better than the pre-existing furniture. Additionally, replacing flooring materials like carpeting or hardwood with more energy-efficient options like bamboo flooring improves insulation and lowers monthly electricity bills significantly.


The bedroom is another great place for remodeling projects that can transform its look entirely while providing many practical advantages simultaneously. New bedding sets make sleeping more comfortable and help improve air quality due to their breathable fabrics, which trap allergens better than traditional fabrics. Replacing outdated dressers with built-in storage units creates extra space while modernizing its appearance; furthermore, investing in blackout curtains helps ensure you get restful sleep even during sunny summer days when light levels are high outside.

Of course, room remodeling will require the help of professional contractors who specialize in interior design, electrical installations, and plumbing. Moreover, remodeling costs will need you to save up to cover those expenses. You can also refinance your mortgage loan to provide additional capital to fund your project.

Curb Appeal Improvement

Improving the curb appeal

Curb appeal is the first thing people notice when they visit your home—so it pays to ensure it looks its best. Improving the outside of your house can have numerous advantages, from boosting its resale value to making the property more inviting and welcoming. Furthermore, enhancing curb appeal can also help create a positive first impression in prospective buyers or visitors.

Fortunately, many ways exist to upgrade a home’s curb appeal without breaking the bank. Painting or replacing siding provides an updated look while adding plants and flowers adds charm. Additionally, upgrading outdoor lighting fixtures can add beauty and security to any property. Installing pathways, walkways, and driveways increases usability, while using natural stones like slate and quartz can add a touch of luxury.

Finally, keep your property’s lawn and garden in good condition. Mowing the lawn regularly, planting shrubs and trees, and taking an occasional walk around the property helps ensure it looks its best at all times.

Smart Home Technology Installation

Smart home technology is all the rage these days, and installing devices like automated thermostats can help you save energy while making your home more comfortable. Smart speakers also allow you to control lights, locks, and security systems with voice commands. Furthermore, investing in a smart TV makes entertainment much easier and more enjoyable.

However, before making any smart home purchases, it’s essential to research the device that best suits your needs. Additionally, consider hiring a professional installer to assist with setting up the system, as some require complicated wiring or programming.

Final Thoughts

Improving your home can significantly enhance its resale value and energy efficiency and provide a more comfortable living environment. Furthermore, it doesn’t need to be expensive; there are plenty of projects that you can undertake on your own or with the help of a professional contractor. Whether you remodel a specific room, upgrade your property’s curb appeal, or install smart home technology, improving your home is an enriching experience.

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