Home Improvement 101: Do-it-Yourself Wallpaper Tips for Novices

January 7, 2019
Different shades of wallpaper

Wallpaper these days is immensely different from the wallpaper you remember as a child. Whether it’s due to interior decorating trends being cyclical or the introduction of more modern and sophisticated designs, wallpaper is definitely chic again. However, to homeowners who haven’t used wallpaper in their homes ever, the prospect of choosing and hanging wallpaper can be quite overwhelming. Fortunately, here are some tips to get you started on your wallpaper journey:

What’s Your Type?

Before you buy wallpaper from reputable suppliers such as Wallpaper Warehouse, the first thing you should know is that not all wallpaper is made of paper. There are vinyl, textile, non-woven, bamboo, and yes, fiberglass. Out of all these options, self-adhesive vinyl wallpaper remains to be the easiest to handle for the uninitiated. Also, keep in mind the wallpaper’s maintenance requirements. If you have kids and pets, being easily washable and durability are vital.

Where Will You Install It?

Ask yourself: Is there a possibility that in 10 or 20 years the space where you plan to install the wallpaper would be used for an entirely different purpose? If so, you might need to rethink super bold or patterned designs that might look outdated. When picking out a spot to start, opt for an uninterrupted wall because corners and doorways will require extra work such as meticulous aligning and trimming. As with bold and bright paint colors, a little wallpaper goes a very long way. Hence, rather than wallpapering every wall in a room, start on a wall that will serve as an accent or feature wall. You can also experiment wallpapering your ceiling.

What About Your Style?

wallpaper wood designsIf you’re leaning toward patterned wallpaper, opt for a pattern that you feel you can apply perfectly. Consider textured solids. Since these don’t feature any patterns, they don’t need to be aligned because no one will really notice if they’re not perfectly aligned. If there are imperfections, either because of irregularities on the wall or room or your application, the texture of the wallpaper can easily conceal them. Refrain from choosing striped wallpaper because it’s difficult to align accurately. If you really love patterned wallpaper, keep in mind that patterns are repeating and similar to striped wallpaper; it should be aligned as precisely as possible.

How Much Wallpaper Do You Need?

Begin by calculating the square footage of every surface you want to be wallpapered. For every surface, multiply the height by its width. If you’re wallpapering several surfaces, simply add up the square footage of each. Then from you sum total, minus 10 square feet for each window and door, if applicable. Once you’ve calculated how much wallpaper you’ll have to buy, add in a roll or two of wallpaper just in case. This is your first time after all, and mistakes are pretty much a given.

There’s no doubt that hanging wallpaper by yourself might seem daunting and complicated at first, but remember to stick to the basics to minimize errors. Alternatively, you can just have fun with it. What matters is that you love the wallpaper you have chosen and the finished project.

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