Have You Ever Considered Building an Eco-Home?

February 20, 2019

Are you thinking about shifting to an eco-home? Check out this article for a quick guide on the benefits of eco-homes and how you can have one built.
A green lifestyle is now a global trend – from the food we eat to the types of buildings that we are constructing. Many structures built today reflect the massive global movement towards green living.

For the construction industry, approaches such as air infiltration, daylighting, and insulation are taking root. All these points towards creating homes and spaces that use as less energy as possible and promote environmentally friendly kind of living. In short, you can call it an “eco-home.” If you have never given it a thought, it’s time to consider taking this step so you and the environment can reap big.

About Eco-Homes

Eco-homes come in a wide variety of styles and designs. Many building engineering companies based in Tigard, Oregon explain that common house design types include carbon neutral, healthy homes, fabric first, and biophilic (house to nature) styles. Other structures follow design formats such as holistic design (a design that respects people and community), earthship biotecture (a design that uses natural and recycled materials), and cradle-to-cradle style (looks into the service life of materials).

It shows that there are enough options for everyone depending on their green goals and principles. Some features set an eco-home apart from the conventional buildings. These include the following:

•    Increased insulation
•    Small wind turbine
•    Solar modules
•    Solar modules
•    Composting toilet
•    Passive solar orientation
•    Renewable source heating
•    Rainwater harvesting
•    Increased airtightness

Reasons to Go for Eco-Homes

The features mentioned above and advantages are proof that going for eco-homes is beneficial. Energy efficiency is probably the most significant selling point for these homes during this era of fluctuating energy prices. Enhancing insulation in a home can have a considerable effect on annual energy costs. The structure is also extremely comfortable because it is equipped with smart features that control temperature naturally.

Furthermore, you will say goodbye to all the noise pollution, whether high traffic or a noisy neighborhood. Eco-homes can also be in a better state to withstand natural disasters than conventionally designed houses. For instance, the combination of concrete and EPS foam can withstand the strongest of winds.

Building an Eco-Home

Tiny House

If you have decided to construct a modern environmentally friendly home, you are halfway there. The next step are about putting the mind and resources together in line with a plan. Part of the plan is the budget, which will depend on how much you are ready to spend. Your building contractor can help you here so that there will be no surprise costs later. With the building site already identified, you now need to approach green building professionals.

Whether architects or structural engineers, you want to make sure that they have relevant previous experience. Certification by the local and federal authorities is also essential. You will need to do a lot of research and plan carefully before your contractor of choice sets up everything on site.

Shifting from a conventional building to a green one is always a good move. With a reputable building company on your side, you can achieve your dreams of more sustainable and energy efficient living.

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