Four House Cleaning Resolutions to Make This Year

January 2, 2019

The New Year is here, are you ready? Moreover, is your home ready for the festivities that come with it? If you are still caught up with all the holiday madness, here are some tips for preparing your home for the New Year. Use these to get the job done without going overboard with your cleaning budget.

Do not just dust off your clutter; clear it

Whether or not you are a minimalist, purging is a great way to start the year. Instead of just dusting off your clutter, clear it. Get some boxes and decide which ones to donate, store and throw away.

Do not forget your basement and your furnace

And speaking of clutter, most people take their clutter down to the basement or attic and leave it there for who knows how long. Remember, your basement is part of your home too. Even if it is not always accessible to guests, you still need to clean your basement, including your furnace.

It is best to clean your furnace before winter, as the cold season is the busiest time for furnace service. What is good to know is that you do not have to do the deep cleaning yourself. You can hire commercial and residential furnace service experts from Utah-based companies like All Hours Plumbing and HVAC to get the job done fast and thoroughly.

Invest in good storage solutions

Storage Room

While there are decorative storage options that you can use in your living room, bathroom and bedrooms, you can also invest in big, clear storage boxes for your garage and basement. These are especially useful for your Christmas decorations and seasonal clothes and beddings.

Clear storage is better so that even if you forget to label the boxes, you can still see what is inside without happen to open them one by one. There are also decorative storage solutions you can use in your living room to keep clutter away if you do not want to install built-in cabinets.

Deep-clean your sinks and drains

Just because you cannot see them does not mean they are not dirty. While it is important to clean your sinks and drains as you go, DIY style with some baking soda, lemon juice and hot water. But you can also deep clean your sinks and drains by hiring commercial or residential cleaning services.

It is good to do this at least once a year also to clean your indoor air quality. Speaking of air quality, do not forget to clean your air conditioner and beddings, too. One of the best ways not to forget this is to set a dedicated month to call professional cleaning services to deep clean your home.

One important resolution to make is not to put off house cleaning. Of course, the mounting work that needs to be done on a daily basis can affect you cleaning schedules, but it is good to clean little by little as you go. Try to include these house-cleaning resolutions to your list if you already have one. If not, it is good to start the year right with them.