Feng Shui Rules to Follow in Your Home Even If You Don’t Subscribe to It

September 2, 2021
lucky cat and abbacus

In designing your home, there are many themes you can follow. You can go the minimalist route to maximize your space. Rustic interior design is also quite popular these days. Since many people can’t go out due to the pandemic, they want to bring the theme of nature into their homes instead.

But one thing that many people usually consider, apart from a theme, is feng shui. It refers to the practice of arranging a space to find harmony and balance between yin and yang. They are the two elements of chi or the life force that is present in everything.

Feng shui is a pseudoscience that originated in China. But it is practiced in many parts of the world, even in the west. Many famous personalities follow it, such as Oprah Winfrey, Madonna, Cher, Bill Gates, and Steven Spielberg, among many others.

Even if you don’t subscribe to feng shui, you’ll want to consider following it in designing your home. Feng shui offers a lot of practical tips that will improve your living space, such as the ones listed below:

Keep Pathways Clear

Efficiency is quite important in feng shui. From the interior design standpoint, you can be more efficient with your space by keeping your pathways clear. This way, when you pass by the corridor or walk from one room to another, you won’t trip on or bump into anything. This also means decluttering your home regularly.

You can also apply this tip outside your home. For example, consider modifying your landscape design in front of your house so that your front door is clearly visible from the outside. Also, make sure that plants don’t cover your house number. This will also be convenient if you expect deliveries or visitors as your residence will be easier for these parties to find.

yin yang sandscape

Separate Your Work and Rest Areas

The pandemic has forced people to become accustomed to working and studying from home. But not everyone can easily focus on work if they do it in the same area where they relax and rest. For example, your bedroom is supposed to be the area where you detach from work and just sleep. So if you work there, you won’t be able to concentrate, especially with your bed “calling” to you distracting you from your tasks.

Feng shui suggests that work and rest areas should be separate. So you should follow this rule to help yourself stay focused during your work or study hours. For example, commit to not working inside your bedroom. Instead, set up a foldable table and a chair in an empty corner inside your home and make that your work area.

If you must work inside your bedroom, consider rearranging your furniture so that your work desk is a few steps away from your bed. You can also clean out your table to rid yourself of distractions. You should only have your work tools within reach, such as your pen and your planner.

The More Windows, the Better

In feng shui, windows are considered the “eye of the house.” Along with doors, windows are pathways for positive chi to enter your home. So if possible, each room in your house should have at least one window.

From a practical standpoint, windows are important to improve the ventilation inside your home. You can leave your windows open during the day to bring in fresh air. Keeping them open can also decrease the humidity in your home. High humidity can cause health problems, so having windows will make your home healthier to live in.

Mind Your Bed’s Location

In feng shui, it’s not recommended to place one’s bed right across the door. In this position, your feet would be facing your door, which is considered bad luck not just in feng shui but in other cultures as well. There’s a superstition that this position mimics the “coffin position” where a dead body is carried out of a room feet first. It’s also believed that this position will drain one’s energy.

As much as possible, your bed should be pushed up against the main wall of your room, away from the door. This position is practical because the wall supports your bed, and you’ll feel more secure if your body is not positioned right in front of your door.

These are only very few of the many feng shui tips you can use in your home. And using some of them in designing and organizing your home will help you generate more positive energy in your home.

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