An Office on Fleek: 3 Steps to Designing a Workplace Millennials Love

February 1, 2019
Employees brainstorming in the office

Pause for a moment and look at your employees. There’s a good chance that you’re gazing at the most talked about generation in the last years, the Millennials. This generation is quickly dominating the workforce across all industries, pumping the cash flow for many businesses. If you want to keep your Millennial employees pumped up in the workplace, you might have to consider changing the workplace they’re in.

Remember that environment matters in employee productivity. That said, here are the steps to creating the workplace the Gen Y loves:

1. Reflect your brand core values

Millennials thrive in jobs that give them a sense of purpose. They work best when they see that they’re contributing to something worthwhile. It’s important that your office environment reminds them of the philosophy your company stands for and the core values of your organization.

You’re committed to delivering creativity in every project? Let that be reflected in the colors and patterns on your wall. You’re devoted to bringing excellence on the table? Give that professional flair on your furniture choice. Keep the brand philosophy alive in the workspace to help them remember their purpose. Be consistent with your brand colors on your over-all interiors and consider getting high-quality, used office furniture Salt Lake City, UT that refurbishment experts provide.

2. Dedicate collaboration spaces

Employees meeting in a modern officeEven though they’re the tech and social media generation, Millennials actually prefer human interactions compared to device-mediated ones. It’s important to design your workplace in such a way that would allow maximum rapport building.

Assign collaboration spaces. Most modern workplaces today have huddle rooms, spaces different from conference rooms, designed to let employees engage with co-workers in informal settings. Employees could just drop by these rooms whenever they feel like going in for a brainstorming session or alignment, without the need to book the space in advance with the receptionist.

If you could have such areas scattered in your office, then that would be a treat for Millennials. The only things you need in huddle rooms are comfy tables and chairs and lots of power plugs.

3. Give them an experience

Millennials place more value on experience rather than stuff. This means you have to pay attention to the atmosphere every room in your office has. When your team steps into the huddle room, for instance, you want the space to spark creativity, that the people in it will be inspired for their brainstorming.

Some businesses use pods to help employees visualize idea incubation. You may want to consider that too for your space. In the break room, your employees would have to feel a sense of rest and relaxation. Perhaps adding soothing colors in your walls and putting flexible furniture can help build that atmosphere. Evaluate each space in your office, and see how you can provide a better experience for employees based on the function of the room.

Millennials are taking over the workforce. That signals a change that has to happen in your office environment. Revamp your interiors, based on Gen Y’s preferences. You won’t just get a like from Millennials, but also a boost in their productivity.

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