Safety Standards to Adhere to for Your Pharma Lab

September 27, 2022
pharmaceutical laboratory

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most highly regulated industries in the world. This acknowledgment is because the products created by pharmaceutical companies can have a significant impact on human health. However, they also bear massive responsibility when it comes to safety.

Ensuring compliance with safety standards is critical to protecting the health of both employees and patients. Working in pharmaceutical means workers are in one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 4,000 serious workplace injuries happened in pharmaceutical companies. And every year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized due to taking prescription drugs prescribed by their doctor. Protecting the safety of everyone involved in creating and distributing pharmaceutical products is, therefore, essential to ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. As a result, federal and state laws mandate that pharmaceutical companies adhere to specific safety standards. Here are a few of them.

Safe Flooring

One of the most critical safety standards for pharmaceutical companies is ensuring that the flooring in their facilities is safe. Floors in pharmaceutical labs need to be resistant to slips and falls, spills, and other accidents. It is imperative because lab workers handle chemicals and other hazardous materials. In addition, floors in sterile areas need to be kept clean and free of bacteria and other contaminants.

The best way to ensure floor safety and sterility is by installing a commercial flooring solution from a company specializing in pharmaceutical epoxy flooring solutions. It can be customized to meet your facility’s specific needs and can even be used in clean rooms and other sterile areas. Epoxy flooring is almost necessary for pharmaceutical labs because it is durable and easy to clean, making it the perfect solution for protecting employees and patients.

Proper Ventilation

Another safety standard that pharmaceutical companies must adhere to is ensuring proper ventilation in their facilities. Poor ventilation can lead to the buildup of hazardous gases and vapors, which can be dangerous for employees and patients. In addition, poor ventilation can also contribute to the spread of bacteria and other contaminants.

To ensure proper ventilation, pharmaceutical companies must install a high-quality HVAC system. It will help to control the facility’s temperature and humidity and filter out any harmful airborne particles. A sound HVAC system is essential for maintaining a sterile environment in pharmaceutical labs.

Safe Storage of Hazardous Materials

Pharmaceutical companies often work with strong and potentially dangerous chemicals that are critical to store correctly. Improper storage of these materials can lead to accidents, fires, and explosions. Pharmaceutical companies need a well-planned storage system to ensure the safe storage of hazardous materials, including properly labeling all containers and appropriate ventilation and lighting.

In addition, pharma labs should store all flammable and combustible liquids in fire-resistant cabinets. These cabinets are designed to contain any fires that may start inside them. Fire-resistant cabinets are an essential part of any safe storage system for pharmaceutical companies.

There should also be safety procedures when taking out these chemicals, especially when transporting them to other areas in the facility. This is to minimize any accidents that might happen.

Use of Personal Protective Equipment

Pharma workers wearing complete personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is another safety standard that pharmaceutical companies must follow. The PPE set includes gloves, gowns, masks, and eye protection. Employees need to wear PPE when working with hazardous materials. This will protect them from exposure to dangerous chemicals and other contaminants.

In addition, PPE will also help to keep employees safe from injuries if an accident does occur. For example, if a chemical spill were to happen, wearing gloves would protect an employee’s hands from coming into contact with the chemicals.

All employees who work in pharmaceutical labs should be adequately trained on how to use PPE. They should also be aware of the dangers of not wearing PPE.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Accidents can still happen despite all the safety procedures set to protect employees. This is why pharmaceutical companies must have workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance will help cover the costs of any medical treatment and lost wages that an employee might incur due to an accident.

It might not be possible to start operations without insurance like this. Check with your local laws to see what type of insurance your business requires.

Regular Safety Inspections

To ensure that all safety standards are met, pharmaceutical companies must conduct regular inspections. These inspections should be performed by a qualified safety professional. They will be able to identify any hazards in the facility and make recommendations on how to fix them.

Safety inspections should be conducted regularly, at least once a year. However, more frequent checks might be necessary if there have been recent changes made to the facility or if there have been accidents.

After the inspection, the safety professional will provide a report detailing their findings. Management should review this report, and they should take appropriate corrective action.

Make Your Lab Safe

Ensuring your pharmaceutical lab is safe is essential for protecting your employees and your business. By following these safety standards, you can help to ensure a safe working environment for everyone in your facility.

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