6 Steps to Follow When the Swimming Pool Suddenly Turns Green

January 18, 2019
Kids swimming in a pool with green water

Remember the Olympic Games in Rio back in 2016? Everyone was left dumbfounded when one of the Olympic swimming pools suddenly turned green. Why were the organizers unable to detect this problem early enough to prevent it and the embarrassment it presented?

While it could be difficult to establish the cause of this issue without being there, this kind of occurrence is common even in residential pools. The fact is that it is an unpleasant sight. You expect clear water in the morning, only to see a shocking cloudy sight.

1. The Cause of Green Color

Algae formation is the reason behind pools turning green. Algae are capable of multiplying fast, especially when the favorable summer conditions arrive. Inadequate chlorine levels can trigger the discoloration. Presence of metal, especially copper, in the water can also cause oxidation and turn the water green. Metal is introduced in the pool through acidity that corrodes metal components or through the source water.

2. Determine Level of Greenness

It is important to consider this analysis, as the greenness can be too much that no amount of action can reverse it. A pool could even have turned black, meaning that mere shocking will not bear any fruits. The rule of thumb is to look down the pool and if you can see six inches down, chemical treatment may work. Otherwise, you may need to drain the pool.

3. Test the Water

Underwater vacuum cleaner in actionThe fact that the water has turned green means that chances of chlorine content are minimal. Therefore, you do not even need to test for this chemical. What you need to test is the water’s pH.

A good test kit will give reliable results, unlike generic ones that only give an estimate of the pH level. Adding muriatic acid to the water can help lower acidity that’s too high. Ask experts in swimming pool repair in Salt Lake City to help you get the best kit.

4. Shock the Swimming Pool

Swimming pool shocking is an essential process, as it gets rid of chloramines, which are combined molecules of chlorine. This process also removes contaminants, such as algae and excess bather bacteria. Shocking involves the addition of certain chemicals depending on the regular use of the pool. In this case, it’s advisable that you use granular chlorine (calcium hypochlorite), followed by an algaecide and probably a flocking agent.

5. Brush and Filter

Leave the pool for 24 hours and you should see some fascinating transformation. The green coloration should have disappeared, but some cloudiness may still be visible. Do not worry, though, as a simple filtration process can take care of that. Contact a professional pool repair and maintenance team if the pool is still green at this stage.

6. Maintain Balance in the Pool

Having a good chlorinating system is your best bet against the recurrence of green color in future. You also need to apply water clarification solution and clean the filter.

If the water in your pool has abruptly turned green, it’s best to have it tested. You could let a pool specialist do it for you or perform the test yourself. All you need is to be sure that you are treating the correct problem.

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