2021 Trends in Home Construction and Design

July 31, 2021
home workstation

During these times, the home has never been more important. Since the pandemic started, most people who have been locked inside their homes have realized a home’s importance in maintaining sanity.

Even members of the younger generation are becoming home buddies, according to Forbes. Millennials and Gen Zs are seeing a home as a safe space from the stresses of the outside world like COVID-19. Nowadays, research has found that young people prefer to stay at home and watch Netflix than go out and attend parties.

The New York Times agrees that the home is a symbol of ease and comfort. Hence, it is important to create a space that will provide these. This is why over the years, constant home improvements and innovations are being discovered. These discoveries lead to the latest home trends that answer the needs of homeowners.

If you wish to see samples of homes featuring the latest trends, check the parade of home photos available online. You may find some of the latest home trends mentioned in this article.

Home Spaces

There are different parts of a home. Aside from the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom, new home spaces became necessary when the pandemic started; home gyms and home stations are some of these.

Home gyms

Before the pandemic, most people wanted to have free time and get a chance to take a leave from work. When the pandemic started, though, people became sick of staying at home. It became routinary, depressing, and it affected people’s physical and mental health.

For these reasons, home gyms arose. In response to gyms being closed, homeowners created their own fitness center. Some purchased their own gym equipment, while others developed fitness routines by watching online. Through home gyms, people got to take care of their bodies, as well as their state of mind.

Home workstations

As companies adopted a work-from-home setup, home work stations became necessary. Existing home turned their guest bedrooms into office spaces; those that did not have extra space became creative and used dividers to make private working stations.

Looking forward, newly constructed homes and renovations will likely see office spaces incorporated into the design plan.

Outdoor space

Since people cannot go out during the lockdown, more and more people see the importance of a private outdoor space in their homes. A small patio, balcony, or garden makes a big difference in a home. These spaces give people stuck at home an opportunity to get some sunshine and breathe some fresh air.

Open floor plans

As much as people want to create private spaces in their homes during the pandemic, open floor plans stay on-trend. This is because an open floor plan gives more useable, functional space. An open kitchen and living room, for instance, give more space for gathering than a divided one.

At the same time, incorporating sliding glass doors that can disappear anytime can easily bring the outdoors in. This results in an efficient, well-lit, bright space.

Design trends


Home design trends are constantly evolving. Let’s look at home elements that might not be that new but gain more popularity as years go by.

Natural Elements

It must be because of the pandemic. It might also not be; more and more people bring plants and natural elements into their homes. Maybe it’s because of missing the outdoors; recently, natural elements have been influencing home designs.

Homes nowadays feature at least an herb garden or a windowsill filled with plants. More homeowners also choose earth tones and organic materials in their home designs. Years ago, people liked to incorporate florals into their homes, but in recent years, homeowners opt for more earthy and green tones.


Maybe it’s the abundance of time given to people due to the pandemic, but more and more people appreciate the value of art. Specifically, people choose colorful and whimsical art; these kinds of art give in a certain sense of happiness and uplift people’s mood; maybe that’s what everybody looks for during the pandemic.


It may come as a surprise to some, but bidets are becoming a trend in America. This is due to the toilet paper shortage that happened in 2020. Most homeowners in the US, therefore, looked for alternatives; a bidet is a perfect one.

Bidets are cost-efficient and environment-friendly as compared to toilet paper. They are considered more sanitary, too. Hence, the bidet is a surprising home design trend that may stay longer once Americans get used to it.

Constant Innovation

There’s a reason why home designs and construction trends are constantly changing. It’s to make our lives better. Some find it necessary to incorporate these changes. Others might not. What’s important is that you pick which of these changes will give more comfort to the people in your home.

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