Transforming a Bedroom to Suit Your Personal Style

January 29, 2019

Bedrooms are personal spaces meant for you to wind down, relax, and get a good night’s sleep. As such, it should be designed to give off the atmosphere and mood you want. Even little changes can provide drastic improvements to a room. Here are some of them:

Bed Frames

As it is the room’s focal point, the bed defines the tone and style of the rest of the room. It is important for it to be designed according to your personal style and preference.

Metal bed frames exude a classic, Victorian-inspired look. They add a timeless touch to a room and may even give off a nostalgic and romantic vibe. Vintage luxury designs are given a modern twist with the use of warm coloured metals and strong textures. In addition, subtle colours like slate grey, gold, and olive green go well with a metal bed frame. This allows the room and the bed to have classic features while maintaining a modern feel.

Sleek Lighting

The overall mood of a bedroom is influenced by its lighting. You can use mood enhancing lamps and dimmable overhead lights to control the light levels in a bedroom. Ideally, light levels are reduced for a period of time before they are turned off at night. Your brain adjusts better to sleep and you’ll find it easier to fall asleep.

A suitable bedroom lighting scheme will allow you to feel more tranquil and relaxed in your personal space. Keep in mind that different light colours and light styles will give the room a unique mood.

Shutters are stylish solutions for preventing sunlight and light from streetlamps from entering a room. You can control the amount of light a room receives.

Bed Frames and Beds

Colour Palette

Colour choices for bedrooms are becoming bolder. They are often featured on walls and bedding. Some dark brooding colour options include emerald green, violet, and night-sky navy. You can also consider setting tropical prints against a dark background. For instance, dark greys, blues, and black can serve as good contrasts to various shades of lush green or floral prints.

If you are not ready to invest in dark walls or bed linen, you can instead put a dark velvet throw on lighter coloured sheets, balancing the room’s dark and light features.

Carpets and Rugs

Carpets and rugs add personality to a bedroom. Solid coloured rugs allow other aspects of the room to light up with more colours, styles, and designs. Carpets often incorporate different colours, textures, and patterns to add a new layer to the room. Neutral walls and bed linens allow carpets with complex design features to stand out and be the focus of the room. Carpets and rugs are also additions that can match the colour scheme and design features already established in a room.

You can pick certain elements and aspects of your bedroom to transform and change.  Colour accents and lighting go a long way in changing the atmosphere of your room and turning it into a suitable and relaxing personal space.

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