The Consequences of Hiring an Unlicensed Roofing Contractor

July 30, 2019
Engineers making a blueprint

Licensed contractors in the Beehive State never forget to brag about being licensed. Of course, roofers of such stature using it for marketing reasons, but there is a deeper meaning behind all of this. Contractor licensing exists to protect consumers like you from unlicensed characters that ply their trade without playing by the rules.

Whether you need someone to install a new roof or repair storm damage in Utah, it is best to hire a licensed roofer. Otherwise, you are exposing yourself to a variety of risks that can make you regret your decision. Below are some of the worst consequences of dealing with an unlicensed roofing contractor:

You May Get What You Pay For

Many homeowners gravitate toward roofers with unimpressive credentials because they charge less. They offer low-ball bids to make up for their lack of qualifications, but do not think that they are losing money.

Many of these contractors employ different scams to turn a profit despite being the lowest bidders. They may use substantial material or secondhand supplies to keep their overhead to a minimum. They may do slapdash work to finish as many projects as possible with no regard to quality.

Unlicensed storm chasers are usually guilty of these tactics. As roofing work is faith-based, many homeowners will not know when the material or workmanship is subpar as long as the leak stops. As the problem is not fixed properly in the first place, it is bound to recur.

You May Be Left High and Dry

When something in your project goes sideways, it can be difficult to hold an unlicensed roofer accountable for the shortcoming. By the time you learn about it, the contractor may have already disappeared on you.

Even if you receive an address or some contact information, do not expect any response because an unlicensed contractor may have no intention to see your project through in the first place.

men building a roof

You May Need to Navigate Through the Permit Application Process Alone

Unlicensed roofers generally discourage customers to pull any building permit, as they do not have any business providing roofing services in the first place. If you insist, you may have to go through it yourself. Being a non-professional, the permit application process can be overwhelming and stressful.

You May Have to Answer to the Inspector

If you applied for a homeowner’s permit, the authorities will think that you are a going the do-it-yourself route. Consequently, you will be answerable for everything found to be in noncompliance.

You May Receive Less Assistance from the Government

The state licensing board gives qualified roofers the go signal to work, so they essentially back the contractors who pass the exam. In case of dispute, you can take a licensed roofer to arbitration and use available state funds to settle your dispute.

Such a program is out of the question if you hired an unlicensed crew. The government may still help you, but you will have little recourse to be compensated for contractor misbehavior.

A licensed, insured, and bonded roofer may offer a higher bid, but it is worth the expense. Considering the dangers of working a contractor with questionable qualifications, saving a few bucks will not suffice to buy you peace of mind.

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