What to Consider When Building a Private Tennis Court

May 29, 2020

There are many arguments you can make about having a tennis court in your backyard. If you’re an avid player, having your court means you won’t have to wait for a schedule to open at your local courts. You can play anytime you want, and you can invite friends and family over to play with you. But before you dive headlong into figuring out the logistics of the build, ask yourself these three questions:

  • Do I have proper zoning permits?
  • Do I have space?
  • Do I have the budget?

You can check with your municipality about zoning permits quickly enough. Be considerate, as well, of fencing rules that they may have enforced. If, upon checking, you are not allowed to construct a tennis court in your area, don’t worry. Later in the article, we’ll talk about a way for you to work around this.

As for space, full-size tennis courts generally run 78 feet long and a maximum of 36 feet in width (considering doubles matches). Tennis courts for players under ten years old measure 59 feet long and 21 feet wide. For eight and under, the International Tennis Federation recommends they play in courts that are 36 feet long and 18 feet wide.

If you’re building an adult-sized tennis court, make sure you have an additional 48 feet in length and an extra 24 feet in width clearance to ensure everyone’s safety.

Be prepared to spend anywhere from $4,000 to $25,000, depending on the dimensions, materials, and equipment you’re going to use. Here’s what else you should consider.


Choosing the right court surfacing for your sport is vital not only for cost-efficiency but also for your enjoyment of the game. Different surfaces require different types of maintenance. If you choose one that requires high levels of maintenance, you might end up spending more money than it’s worth and lose interest in the sport.

Tennis court dimensions are also the same for other sports, like basketball and badminton. If you go with a surface that is conducive for all three games, then you have successfully built yourself a multipurpose court that the whole family could enjoy.

Playing tennisEquipment

Are you an avid night player? Would you prefer to have your nets permanently installed? For the former, check with your municipality on their guidelines about setting up lights in your perimeter. Unfortunately, if it’s against the rules, you’ll have to learn to enjoy playing during the daytime.

If you have secured the proper zoning permits, you might want to install permanent nets. These are more durable and less prone to wear and tear. And being “permanent” doesn’t mean you can’t put them away in the winter. They’re only permanent in the sense that there are concrete holes in the ground where you can place them when you’re ready to play.

If you can’t secure the proper permits, don’t worry. You can still purchase a mobile net. You might not have the freedom of space afforded by a full-sized court, but you can still enjoy a bit of lawn tennis.

Gone are the days when residential tennis courts were only enjoyed by the rich and famous. Nowadays, many construction companies offer affordable alternatives. Shop around—your dream of having your backyard tennis court might be closer than you think.

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