The Basics of a Well-Received Reception Area

August 6, 2019
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The Impact and Importance of a Reception Area

First impressions play a huge role in any business, which is why the reception area should be given utmost importance in terms of design and services. In a way, a company’s reception area serves as the “face” of the company, and if it’s poorly-maintained, ill-designed, and not-so-hospitable, it can give clients, customers, and possible investors the wrong idea about an otherwise professional company.

Stakeholders would start having doubts about doing business with an officer who has an unclean reception area, or uncourteous reception staff. That said, we’ll be taking a look at the essential features of an inviting and effective reception area:


Even if your office’s reception area isn’t that well-designed or equipped with extra amenities for those entering and waiting in it, it should be at least clean, comfortable, and secure. First off, as with any office space, it’s integral to keep the reception well-kept, stain and stench-free, and clean from top to bottom. There should be doormats to prevent customers from tracking dirt and water into the reception area, and also an area to store their wet umbrellas. A simple yet well-kept and comfortable reception area could easily beat professionally-designed one if the latter isn’t kept clean or well-maintained.


In most cases, reception areas are where many clients and customers sit down and wait for their appointment, so it’s important that you at least have enough seats that are comfortable to sit in even for an hour or so. You also shouldn’t neglect the fact that silence can be a bit unnerving and uncomfortable, so have your reception area play some calm and relaxing instrumental and ambient music. Next, you should always mind the temperature in your reception area, it shouldn’t be too hot nor too cold, and the last thing you’d want is to have clients or customers shivering or sweating in your reception area.

The Basic Amenities

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Every reception area should have a clean bathroom, or at least have nearby access within the building (if you’re renting out). Put adequate and visible signage so any visitor would be able to go to the restroom without the need of asking the front desk staff. Next, there should be access to hot, cold, or lukewarm drinking water, either by having a water dispenser in the area or have your staff provide water (or other beverages) to visitors.

Reception Staff

Your front desk or reception area staff is an integral part of your reception area. Not only are they there to facilitate visitors, they serve as the main line of communication between visitors and the office and also contribute a lot to customer satisfaction and a company/business’ first impression. That said, you should have a well-mannered, patient, knowledgeable, and courteous front desk staff.

Place Your Brand

Your reception area should prominently feature the logo or name of your company. This is to let visitors know where they are and what your office does. If you can, incorporate the colours of your brand into the design of the office, as long as it looks professional. You should look for interior design firms in Sydney to help you in not only adding brand colours to your reception area but also to capture the essence of your company.


Lastly, your reception area should at least have good flow, and not have visitors awkwardly traversing the area and when making way into the office.


There are many ways you can design your reception area, but no matter how much you’ve invested towards the designing, constructing, and furnishing of your reception area, it’s important that you at least have these basic features and elements to make a good first impression.

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