A Different Kind of Summer: Spending Summertime Under the New Normal

June 10, 2020

Let’s face it. A lot of us are now thinking about what will happen once springtime steps aside and makes way for summer.

When the coronavirus plague hit American shores earlier this year, we never expected things to be like this. We were all looking forward to enjoying all the fun things that spring brings. However, we were hit by the virus, and America was easily established as the new epicenter of the pandemic after China and Italy.

Just as when winter was ending, we were faced with questions about spring, so we are now asking the same things going into summer. What will COVID-19 do to our summertime?

A Different Kind of Summer

If there’s one sure thing that the coronavirus has taught us, it is that you can never be too certain about what the future holds.

We all had spring break plans that had to be canceled when the order to shut businesses down and stay home was given. That meant saying goodbye to spring break in Malibu or Cancun. That family trip to your grandparents’ home on the west coast was postponed. A lot of other similar plans were put on hold.

Unfortunately, with the current state that things are in, it’s safe to say that summer is not going to be completely different from spring.

Even if the lockdowns are lifted and the states are reopened, do not expect things to go back to the way they were. At least not anytime soon. The virus is still out there. It’s threat has not been eradicated.

Talks about how warmer weather can curb the pandemic has already been debunked as the virus has spread worldwide.

What we have done within the past few months of social distancing and quarantine is just flatten the curve to help hospitals and healthcare workers cope with the increasing number of infected cases.

For now, it looks like your typical summer plans will have to take a back seat to public safety. As the states reopen, social distancing will still be put in place. Group gatherings will be kept at a minimum. Businesses will start to operate once again albeit under compliance with the regulations of the new normal.

swimming with friends

Despite the huge difference from last summer, it doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy it.

You can still have small family barbeques in your backyard or enjoy afternoons swimming in fiberglass pools. You might have to think of a pretty good substitute for that summer camp your kids are looking forward to but there is no shortage of great ideas for summer activities.

Most folks are now starting to draw plan Bs and Cs since it’s pretty obvious that the climate we have now is not a forgiving one. People will still get infected if they do not observe the COVID-19 guidelines that the CDC recommends.

Either way, you have to prepare yourself and your family for a new kind of normal. Until we get to the point where we develop herd immunity to the disease or one of the brilliant minds on this planet discovers a vaccine and a cure for it, it is wise to stay on the safe side.

Contrary to what a lot of people are thinking, this is not a repression of your rights. In fact, these safety precautions and measures are put in place to protect your right to live.

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